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Guardians of the Remnant

United by steadfast beliefs in faith, family, patriotism, and the principles of self-governance and the sanctity of liberty and inalienable rights, the Guardians of the Remnant are dedicated to preserving and advancing the foundational values that have propelled America to unprecedented success.

We recognize the importance of our nation’s heritage, the wisdom of our Founders, and the sacrifices, past, present and future, made to secure our liberties. As conservative men, we commit ourselves to building communities anchored in respect, integrity, and personal responsibility, fostering environments where freedom of thought, speech, and the pursuit of success can flourish. 

We understand that true transformation begins with first the individual and then in our neighborhoods, our cities, and our counties, where the principles of good governance can have the most immediate impact. By actively participating in and influencing these local arenas, we aim to foster a culture of accountability, prosperity, and respect for traditional values, laying a solid foundation for national revival.

As we partake in education, dialogue, and civic engagement, we endeavor to be a guiding light for future generations; ensuring the perpetuation of America’s legacy of liberty, opportunity, and unity under God. We embrace the challenge of maintaining the delicate balance between governing and the inherent rights of the individual, upholding the ideals that made the United States of America a beacon of hope and prosperity.

As we navigate our differences and engage in debates and dialog, we do so with mutual respect and understanding, mindful that we are all children of God and brothers in Christ. This bond reinforces our commitment to each other and to the principles that unite us, ensuring that even in disagreement, our fellowship and dedication to our shared values remain unbroken.

Moreover, we affirm the importance of being confident and bold in sharing our beliefs and standing up for what is right in a respectful manner. No longer will we be silent or ashamed of being Christians or conservatives; instead, we will proudly, respectfully, articulately, and persuasively express our convictions, aware that our principles reflect a commitment to the well-being and prosperity of our nation and its people. By focusing our efforts locally, we commit to being exemplars of the grace, courage, and respect that define us, inspiring others to join in our mission to uphold and celebrate the values that make America truly great.